90 Days. xTriticosecale. Organic. Non-GMO. Open-Pollinated. A robust and highly productive hybrid between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale), Organic triticale seeds are a tenacious garden cover crop popularly sown overwinter to replenish soils of their depleted nutrients. Triticale is a wheat-rye cross! Originally bred in Scotland and Denmark. Forage yields can be higher than wheat or barley yields. In addition, triticale is more disease resistant in many cases. Many forage wheat fields can have severe stripe rust and barley scald has been a problem in some barley fields in other years. However, triticale in many of these situations be disease free. Triticale works very well in a grazing/haying system. Triticale has also performed well when grown dryland or when irrigation was limited. Perhaps due to its extensive root system and rye background, triticale has good drought tolerance. Non-GMO Organic triticale cover crop seeds retain the prominent, abundant yield potential of wheat grain while boasting the same tolerance to extremes as rye field grain. Wholesale seed paper packets and bulk available. ~750 seeds/oz.
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