Texas 1015 SuperSweet Onion Seeds - Non-GMO Vegetables
Texas 1015 SuperSweet Onion Seeds - Non-GMO Vegetables
Texas 1015 SuperSweet Onion Seed Packet
Non-GMO Texas 1015 SuperSweet Onion Seed Bag

- Originating from the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, this onion is the resul of enormous financial investment to produce these giant short-intermediate day onions that can weigh up to a pound or more.

Onion Seeds - Short - Texas 1015 Super Sweet


110 Days to maturity. Allium cepa. Texas 1015 Super Sweet Onion Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, open-pollinated, heirloom, bulbing, short-day onion. Suitable for growing in greenhouses, garden plots, raised beds, and containers. The Texas 1015 onion was developed by the legendary Dr. Leonard Pike of Texas A&M University. Its name derives from the planting date in Texas (October 15). The Texas 1015 is considered a Short Day onion, but many times it takes longer for bulbs to develop, so it can be used in Intermediate and Long Day areas. Has been successfully grown from Mexico to Ohio. ~# seeds/oz.

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