winter hubbard chicago warted squash
winter hubbard chicago warted squash
non gmo winter hubbard chicago warted squash seed bag
winter hubbard chicago warted squash seed packet

- A medium, dark green winter squash with bright orange/yellow flesh ideal for pies, canning, and baking developed by Budlong Gardens in Chicago.

Squash Seeds - Winter - Hubbard Chicago Warted


Hubbard Chicago Warted Winter Squash Seeds. 110 Days to Harvest. Non-GMO Heirloom, Open Pollinated, Annual Seeds. Cucurbita maxima. AKA Green Warted Hubbard Squash. Hubbard Chicago Winter Squash is a very old heirloom variety, it has been around since 1894 and was developed by Budlong Gardens in, you guessed it, Chicago.

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