Soft White Wheat (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
Soft White Wheat (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods
Wheat: Soft White - Organic 1 lb
Wheat: Soft White - Organic 2.5 lb
Wheat: Soft White - Organic 5 lb
Wheat: Soft White - Organic 35 lb
25 lb soft white wheat seed bag

- Soft white wheat is ideal for grinding into flour for baking pastries, and cakes but can also be sprouted.

Soft White Wheat (Organic) - Bulk Grains & Foods


Triticum aestivum. Soft white wheat is ideal for grinding into flour for baking pastries, and cakes. Soft white white can be sprouted as well. Available in small quantities to bulk in resealable packaging, and tested for microbes. Certified Organic.

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