Hot Bulgarian Carrot Pepper
Hot Bulgarian Carrot Pepper
Bulgarian Carrot Pepper Seed Packet
Pepper Hot Bulgarian Carrot Seed Bag

- Named for their bright orange skin the Bulgarian Carrot Hot Pepper is great for roasting and pickling with a medium heat and sweet taste.

Pepper Seeds - Hot - Bulgarian Carrot


65-70 days. Bulgarian Carrot Hot Pepper Seeds Capsicum annuum. Non-GMO. Heirloom. Native to Bulgaria before bring brought to America in the 1970s and 1980s, Bulgarian Carrot peppers seeds (sometimes also called Shripka peppers) are known not only for their distinctive carrot-like appearance but also their unique flavor and heat profile. When cared for properly, Bulgarian Carrot seeds produce peppers that are a delightful combination of hot and sweet. ~5,000 seeds/oz.

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