Hot Pepper - Lemon Habanero
Hot Pepper - Lemon Habanero
Mountain Valley Seeds Co Packaging

- One of the tamer Habaneros, true to its name the Lemon Habanero has a citrusy taste and is perfect for small gardens in warm climates.

Pepper Seeds - Hot - Habanero Lemon


Non-GMO and heirloom Lemon Habanero pepper is for those that like it hot. Lemon Habanero pepper is between 100,000-350,000 on the Scoville Scale. This means this pepper is more than 20 times spicier than a jalapeno. The habanero pepper is small, with wrinkled skin, and is lemon-yellow. Habaneros grow best in warm, moist, and humid conditions. Lemon Habanero plants originated 8,000 years ago in modern-day Mexico, Peru, and Colombia. Pepper plants are compact, which means they can also be grown in containers. This is a great pepper plant to try if you like heat. Habanero plant is very productive, and you do not need many peppers to achieve super spicy food.

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