- Originally from the French regions of Corsica and brought to Washington State where it was grown and selected for its sweet flavor and large size to do well in Northern regions.
90-110 Days to maturity. Allium cepa. Walla Walla Onion Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, open-pollinated, heirloom, cold tolerant, bulbing, long-day onion. Suitable for growing in greenhouses, garden plots, and raised beds. Walla Wallas originate from the French regions of Corsica and were later brought to Washington state. These onions were named after Walla Walla County meaning “many waters" given by the Native American Plateau tribes. Onions are packed with vitamins and help lower blood pressure. As a biennial, these vegetables thrive in northern regions and can be harvested as a summer annual. Less acidic, Walla Walla sweet onions are best eaten fresh! ~7,000 seeds per ounce.