- A high yielding, six rowed barley with good kernel plumpness, lodging resistance, and can be used for malting, feed, or pearled.
Hordeum vulgare
Robust Barley seed
Robust is a high yielding, six-rowed barley.
Robust is characterized by good kernel plumpness and good lodging resistance. It is used for malting, feed or can be pearled.
Malting characteristics: Robust barley Lends wort, a deep reddish hue when used at 5% of the grist or more. Can be especially useful as a color enhancer for low-alcohol, non-alcohol, and light beers. Aromatic odor of mash and rate of filtration is normal.
Can be spring or summer planted. Robust sow rate is 2 lbs per 1,000 sq. ft. Aprox. 14, 200 seeds per pound. Whole barley (hull-on).
a 2 oz Package will cover about 50' square feet.