- A big, red, hot (30,000-50,000 scoville units) pepper with high yields that can be strung together and dried.
80 to 89 Days to maturity (from transplant). Capsicum annuum. Pepper, Hot - Giant Ristra F1 Hybrid Pepper Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, hybrid, hot-type pepper with medium hot heat levels.5,000 to 30,000 Scoville Heat Units. Suitable for growing in garden plots, raised beds, and greenhouses. Resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus. This big, red, hot pepper is wonderful fresh, and gorgeous when dried and strung in bunches, for which it is named. Fruits are 6-7 inches long and horn-shaped, similar to Cheyenne or Suhuaro F1. Approx. 3,360 seeds/ounce