Chrysanthemum Greens Seeds - Garland Serrated Leaf
Chrysanthemum Greens Seeds - Garland Serrated Leaf
Premium Bulk Seeds - Mylar Package

Chrysanthemum Greens Seeds - Garland Serrated Leaf


40-50 Days to maturity. Glebionis coronaria var. garland serrated leaf. Garland Serrated Leaf Chrysanthemum Greens Seeds. Cool-season annual heirloom. Non-GMO. Garland Serrated Leaf is a highly valued Japanese vegetable with vitamin B and minerals. A delicious edible chrysanthemum with serrated, dark-green aromatic leaves. This leaf type is more flavorful when compared to the round leaf type and intensifies with maturity. This variety is an easy-to-grow, cool-weather, shade-loving plant that has high yields and produces many side shoots. It is originally from the Mediterranian but quickly became popular upon its introduction to Asia. ~ 8,500 seeds per oz.

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