Winter Chervil
Winter Chervil
chervil winter seed packet
non gmo winter chervil seed bag

- Winter Chervil has parsley-like leaves and a mild, anise-like flavor popularly used in French cuisine.

Chervil Seeds - Winter


Non-GMO, Heirloom Winter Chervil Garden Seed from True Leaf Market. Anthriscus cerefolium. These annual herbs produce as an abundant crop and originate from Southeast Europe and West Asia. Winter Chervil reigns as one of the four popular "fines herbes" of French cuisine, along with parsley, tarragon and chives. As a member of the carrot family, Winter Chervil develops thin forest-green leaves and reaches 10-15" tall. These mildly sweet and anise-flavored plants can also grow as a cool season biennial with ideal conditions, as you allow this more hardy variety of chervil to go to seed.

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