Cabbage - Danish Ballhead Garden Seed
Cabbage - Danish Ballhead Garden Seed
Non-GMO Danish Ballhead Cabbage
danish ballhead cabbage seed packet

- Known for its storage capacity the Danish Ballhead was developed by W. Atlee Burpee & Company in 1887 and dependable against bolting and splitting early on.

Cabbage Seeds - Danish Ballhead


100 days. The Danish Ballhead cabbage heirloom was produced in 1887. The seeds are ideally sown for a Fall garden, growing into blue-green cabbage heads. A cold-hardy plant that can withstand cooler temperature. Danish Ballhead Cabbage seed produces heads that are approximately eight inches in diameter, having a very sweet and delicate flavor. These heirloom ballhead seeds are an excellent addition to a vegetable gardener's treasure trove. Seeds available in several sizes ranging from bulk to small, servicing large and small gardeners alike.

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