- Best known for its bright flavor, antioxidant content, and vibrant purple colors this ruffle leafed basil also contains andocynasis-a pigment used as a natural dye replacement.
Non-GMO, Heirloom Purple Ruffles Basil Herb Seed from True Leaf Market. Ocimum basilicum x purpurascens. As basil has many different types, Purple Ruffles Basil is a sweet cultivar that grows large 3" deep-violet leaves that develop a jagged shape and is known for its beauty. This spicy basil with hints of toasty sweetness was introduced in 1984 and later won the AAS award for quality seed growth. Purple Ruffles Basil varieties are known for their antioxidants and vibrant purple colors. Their striking hues also contain andocynasis"a pigment compound also used as a natural dye replacement. With high nutritional value and bright flavor, Purple Ruffles Basil is an elegant and abundant crop to add to your herb garden!