- Such a vigorous annual cover crop that it is considered invasive in much of the United States, non-GMO hairy vetch is a European heirloom and one of the most popular restorative crops grown in the garden.
80-90 Days. Vicia villosa. Annual. Heirloom. Non-GMO. Such a vigorous annual cover crop that it is considered invasive in much of the United States, non-GMO hairy vetch is a European heirloom and one of the most popular restorative crops grown in the garden. Heirloom hairy vetch seeds are the most frost-hardy of commercially grown vetches, traditionally seeded in the autumn to overwinter and mulched back into the soil as a fertile springtime "green compost". Open-pollinated hairy vetch is a vining, trailing legume grown to soften and revitalize compact, deficient, uncultivated soils. Wholesale and bulk seeds available. ~1,250 seeds/oz.
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