Sweet Corn Inspiration Hybrid
Sweet Corn Inspiration Hybrid
Mountain Valley Seeds Co Packaging

- A bicolored supersweet (sh2 shrunken) corn that is quick to mature for fresh eating.

Corn Seeds - Sweet - Inspiration Hybrid


70-80 Days to maturity. Zea mays. Inspiration Hybrid Corn Seeds. Non-GMO, annual, F1 hybrid, (sh2) sweet corn. Suitable for growing in garden plots or raised beds. Corn tolerates heat and drought-prone regions. Resistant to Common Rust, Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus, Northern Corn Leaf Blight, and Stewart's Wilt. Inspiration Hybrid (F1) is a relatively modern variety developed to offer excellent flavor and ease of growth. It's known for its vigorous growth and good disease resistance. Best for growing in the southern regions of the United States. Inspiration Hybrid ears of corn typically grow to about 8 inches long , packed with tender, sweet kernels arranged in 16-18 straight rows. ~182 seeds/oz.


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